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Debunking 10 Myths About Online CEU Providers For Nurses

September 06, 2023
2 min read

Continuing education units (CEUs) are a vital part of a nurse's professional development. However, online CEU providers often fall victim to numerous misconceptions. This post aims to debunk these myths, providing an in-depth analysis of the reality of online CEU providers for nursing staff.

  • Myth: Online CEUs are not accredited.

    Fact: This is a prevalent misconception. Several highly respected accrediting bodies, such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), accredit a vast majority of online CEU providers. Accreditation ensures that the courses meet stringent quality standards, contributing to the legitimacy and value of the education provided.

  • Myth: Online CEUs are less valuable than traditional learning.

    Fact: The value of CEU is not determined by the learning venue but by the content quality and its relevance to the learner’s practice. Online CEUs provide flexible learning schedules, a variety of course options, and the opportunity to engage with a global community of learners.

  • Myth: Online learning is isolating.

    Fact: While the physical interaction is less in online learning, several platforms offer interactive courses and a sense of community. Forums, discussion boards, and video conferencing can facilitate peer-to-peer interaction and build professional networks.

  • Myth: Online CEUs are easier than in-person courses.

    Fact: Online courses require the same level of intellectual rigour as traditional courses. Studies on Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Domains suggest that online courses can potentially deliver higher cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning outcomes.

  • Myth: Online CEUs don’t count towards licensure renewal.

    Fact: This is a widespread but erroneous belief. Most nursing boards accept CEUs from accredited online providers. Furthermore, with the advent of Nurse Compact Licensure, online CEUs can also be counted across state lines.

  • Myth: There is no verification for online learning.

    Fact: CEU providers employ a variety of tools to confirm course completion, including quizzes, tests, and assignments. Some also utilize proctored exams and time-tracking software.

  • Myth: Employers don’t value online CEUs.

    Fact: Given that healthcare is rapidly evolving, employers value nurses who take the initiative to stay abreast of the latest research and best practices. A 2018 study by Northeastern University found that 61% of hiring managers view online credentials as equivalent or superior to those earned in traditional settings.

  • Myth: Online learning lacks practical application.

    Fact: Contrary to this belief, many online CEU providers incorporate practical application into their curriculum. Courses often include case studies, simulations, and virtual labs to provide hands-on experience.

  • Myth: You have to be technologically savvy to do online CEUs.

    Fact: Online learning platforms are typically user-friendly and provide technical support. Most only require basic internet browsing skills.

  • Myth: Online CEUs are expensive.

    Fact: While there are costs associated with online learning, it’s important to consider the trade-offs. Online learning eliminates travel and accommodation expenses and allows the learner to maintain their income by not taking time off work.

To conclude, online CEUs offer a plethora of benefits for nursing staff —flexibility, convenience, a broad range of subjects, and opportunities for interactive learning. As with any form of education, the efficacy depends on the learner's dedication and the quality of the provider. It is essential to research thoroughly, read reviews, and choose an accredited provider to ensure the optimal use of time and resources.


Related Questions

Some accrediting bodies for online CEU providers include the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME).

Yes, most nursing boards accept CEUs from accredited online providers. Furthermore, with the advent of Nurse Compact Licensure, online CEUs can also be counted across state lines.

CEU providers employ a variety of tools to confirm course completion, including quizzes, tests, and assignments. Some also utilize proctored exams and time-tracking software.

Yes, a 2018 study by Northeastern University found that 61% of hiring managers view online credentials as equivalent or superior to those earned in traditional settings.

Yes, many online CEU providers incorporate practical application into their curriculum. Courses often include case studies, simulations, and virtual labs to provide hands-on experience.

No, online learning platforms are typically user-friendly and provide technical support. Most only require basic internet browsing skills.

While there are costs associated with online learning, it’s important to consider the trade-offs. Online learning eliminates travel and accommodation expenses and allows the learner to maintain their income by not taking time off work.

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